Browse Month February 2019

How to Live an Animal Cruelty Free Lifestyle

When you live cruelty-free, you truly are demonstrating your commitment to all the living creatures on the planet. Although taking this step does involve forethought and commitment, it may be easier than you think.


An increasing number of companies make the items we use every day in an animal-compassionate way. Take an inventory of the foods, cleaners and cosmetics you buy regularly, continuing to use only those that are cruelty-free. Before you buy, make it a priority to be sure that neither the ingredients nor the final products you want have been tested on animals. Make your voice heard to companies that continue to manufacture and market items in a cruel way.


Since non-human creatures don’t have the ability to talk or stand up for themselves, they need caring people to speak out on their behalf. Find an organization whose style and point of view toward animals matches yours, and then support them. If you aren’t one for picketing or sign-carrying, it is equally important to provide financial backing.


Using shampoos, deodorants, fragrances and facial products is a part of our lives, but it can be a challenge to find goods that are not tested on animals or do not use bee products or palm oil that leads to deforestation. The good news is that with a little research, you actually can find vegan-friendly beauty and cleansing options. Dose of Colors vegan makeup products, for example, give you a way to look your best and most beautiful while remaining committed to the health of our earth and the animals with whom we share it.

If you are not sure if a product has been made ethically on the basis of the label alone, contact the manufacturer by going to their website and finding the “contact us” section. Call or email them with the following questions:

• Does your company test this product on animals at any time during production?

• Do your suppliers test any of your ingredients on animals?

• Do you work with any third party who tests products on your behalf?

• Do you sell any of your cosmetics in mainland China? (China requires that all foreign companies who sell products there must test them on animals.)

Today, thousands of ingredients have already been proven safe and require no additional testing. Furthermore, many technological advances are making … Read the rest

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